Saturday, November 20, 2010

This Took Time

I recently completed a project in the knick of time. My niece's dance concert was on Thursday and I was commissioned to make 7 red satin dresses for the dance she choreographed with her friend. The dresses were officially finished on Wednesday, the day before the show. And it is not that I didn't have a few months to complete my task, I was just busy. I think I gave everyone involved a heart attack. I think my niece may hate me a little now. I'm a procrastinator. I'm the first to admit it. But this was cutting it down to the wire.
Sorry Hannah.

And thank you to Hannah and Hailey's Mommies (and you too Sara)! They came in to help me finish. These lovely ladies gave me just the shot in the arm I needed to keep working. Because when you are making the same dress over and over again in different sizes, life starts to suck.

I really need to recover my mannequin don't I?
Anyhoo, they all got sparkly black sashes to tie around their waists. The dresses looked pretty good on stage. They had a good flow when they were dancing. They were going for a 40's vibe, hopefully that comes across.

I went to the show on Thursday. I took pictures with Dan's camera. It was inspiring to see a dance show choreographed mostly by high school students. I miss dancing. And I miss choreographing. I totally want to start some sort of "live music video" thing here in Gilbert. Just pick a bunch of radio songs and create art on stage.

In other news, Asher dislocated his radius on Friday. We didn't even know he was in that much pain, he just didn't want to use his arm. Since Asher was still not moving his arm when he woke up, we went to see a P.A. Saturday morning. That nice man popped my child's bone right back into place. Asher had tears streaming silently down his face. I'm sure it hurt pretty darn bad... but he is one tough cookie.


Tracy said...

First, the dresses look awesome, you did an amazing job.... as always.
Second, the dancing looks cool and I also miss dancing.
Third, how did Asher do that?
Fourth, I'm glad Asher's arm is back to normal.

Emily Bartlett said...

They turned out great! And I like the tutu and pillow case you made. And gwen's 1 yr bday pictures are sweet. Now i'm all caught up with you :)

Rachel said...

they turned out great. thanks for all that you did....sleep or no sleep.

Kristy said...

Sierra has done that very thing. The dresses look great.

Lynette Mills said...

Glad they got done Jamie... They look really great! I don't know how you do it!!

Jenn Kirk said...

Oh, poor Asher! And poor you. Both of you must have been miserable. :(

As for novels, I'm on a YA fiction kick right now (since Hunger Games). I read Maze Runner (it was OK), then the sequel, The Scorch Trials (much better). Both are page turners, both are riddled with ridiculous kid slang. But they are fun.

The dress is really pretty.

Lori said...

The dresses look amazing on stage and beautiful up close. You are so freaking talented on the sewing machine! I need some of that talent my way please :)
Sorry to hear about Asher.. you know we are always praying for him at our household. Sweet little William just LOVES him!