Thursday, March 12, 2009

For Anna

Anna posted pictures on her blog of famous people who resemble her. According to, this is my closest match.

Me and Mark... we are totally twins.


Tracy said...

sweet! I need to do this again and post it on my blog! Good idea. I think it changes depending on what picture you post.

Lynette Mills said...

Jamie, that picture of you is beautiful. How did I get such pretty children?

jamie hixon said...

Wow, Mom. Thanks. I always looked at pictures of you and thought there was no way that I could ever be as pretty as my Mom.

Cheryl said...

Jaime, just gorgeous ... you of course, Mark is cute, but I will always think of Marky-Mark when I see him. hehe

Michael + Anna Costa said...

Mark is HOT and so are you!! haha xoxo