Monday, June 14, 2010


So, I have a bunch of projects that are almost done. I guess I'm one of those people. You know, the kind that start things that they never finish. Well, I'm going to try to change that. I'll finish the "almost finished" things from my project pile, and I will report. Since my sister Tracy is my inspiration (she does something awesome like everyday) I will try to get 10 things done by the time she comes to visit on the 24th. (Yay!!)

Side note: I've also become one of those moms. You know, the kind that ignore their children in favor of something stupid and inconsequential. I used to be APPALLED by mothers who were watching TV, and who's kids would come up and beg for some attention. "Will you read to me Mommy? Can you play with me Mommy? Will you LOOK at me Mommy?" All the while the Mother was staring at the latest dumb reality TV show saying "Go away. Not now. Can't you see that fat guy is trying to get naked girl off the island??" I hated that those Mommy's were messing up their own reality in favor of some stupid alternate reality. But now that is me. I get tired of playing with, feeding, and caring for my kids all the time so I turn to the computer many times a day while my kids just have to deal. Do you know how many cute blogs there are out there? Anyway, those cute mommy blogs are not my reality, so I've decided that I will only do this while my kids are asleep or otherwise engaged. If they need me, the computer gets put away!!
In fact... I hear Asher waking up now. Good bye computer!


Tracy said...

Wow! Good for you Jamie. I never thought you were bad, but I am also not around you all of the time. It is nice that you recognize where you need to improve though and are willing to make the change. They even had an article about this in this month's Ensign, not sure if you have read it yet, but it is about making good use of the internet. Part of which was about how much time we spend on it. I need to work on this too.
Thanks for saying that I inspire you. That made my day. Because you have always inspired me! I am excited to come visit you soon. We will have so much fun. Love you!

BusyB said...

yes... i do have to say once in a while i do find myself doing that!! ahhh I hate it! but then I realize its my time for 10 min. each day when needed : ) Good luck on finishing your project list... happens to us all! great that you are turning it around!

rachel v. said...

good work, please post pictures of your finished projects! Especially sewing, you are a total inspiration with what you make :)
Good luck on your new goals!

Lynette Mills said...

Jamie.. your kids are so calm and good, I can see how it was easy to stay a few minutes longer on the computer. But it's great that you recognized what is best over what is just good. Sometimes I wish I could have do-overs. I would have done a lot of things differently. Love you....