Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fashion '05

I have been hording fashion magazines for the last couple years. Most of them are In Style magazines, and I keep them around for inspiration. (In Style magazines are chock full of couture dresses and other beautifully designed clothes.)
Whenever I design costumes for a show, I leaf through these magazines to see if they can boost my creativity. They often do. I also hope to eventually copy some of the styles for my own personal use... and very rarely I use pictures from In Style to design clothing for others.

However, these magazines are taking up too much room. I decided it was time for them to go... but not before ripping out pages of particularly inspiring gowns, hairstyles, etc. I have ripped out more pictures from 2005 than any other year. This is how I have come to the conclusion that 2005 was a very good year for fashion.
Yet another reason for us to live in 2005 forever.


Tracy said...

2005 huh? I guess all the years mesh together for me and I don't remember good fashion years from others.

Rachel said...

love that dress.