For those of you who don't already know, my sister-in-law Amy signed me up to audition for
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat with a company called Copperstar Repertory here in Gilbert. I would never
ever think to audition for a musical being 5 1/2 months pregnant at the time of auditions, but Amy was confident I would get the role of the narrator. Well, I didn't
(almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades)... but I
did get into the cast. So far it has been pretty fun, and since it will be consuming a chunk of my life, I figured I may as well start blogging about it now.
Initial thoughts:
I am amazed at how good the cast sounds already. I am excited to be
in a musical after a LONG hiatus. (Directing musicals doesn't count.) I can't wait to perform in a theater that has more than a thousand seats. I am glad that I have something to keep me busy and exercising while I am waiting for this second baby to appear. I'm glad to have doors opening for me in the theater world out here.
HOWEVER I am totally physically and vocally out of shape and I think I am killing my voice. They have me singing all the astronomically high notes. We'll see if I can still belt them out come show time.