All day I tried to take it easy, and for dinner I kept it simple. I boiled carrots and Brussels sprouts in some chicken stock and put pre-made frozen Trader Joe's mini-tacos in the oven. When I went to get the cooked tacos out of the oven, I somehow managed to touch the upper part of my lower left arm to the cooking sheet for less than a second. Boy did that sting! I ran it under water and put some aloe vera on it, but it is a few hours later I have two angry looking pink burn marks on my skin.
I feel dumb sharing this because the things that I did to get myself hurt are so silly and preventable. And they are certainly not impressive, like stories about rock climbing or saving people from certain destruction. I guess I just want to record these events because a) this is a blog and that's what blogs are for, and b) because I shouldn't take anything for granted. I feel pretty terrible right now and I can't do anything without discomfort, but there are a few things that I know: I know that I will get better, I know that there are a lot of people that have it much worse than me, and I know that my life can and will be changed every moment I'm alive. I could get into an accident (like my mom thought Dan and I had done on the way to the temple Saturday), I could get sick, etc. etc. My life is pretty good right now and I should never allow myself to think otherwise. Carpe Diem. (Unless you can't move, in which case, do the best you can.)
I'm sorry... that sucks. But I guess bad things happen to realize our blessings. Hope you feel better soon.
You need to go see Diane Kemp! I'd watch Asher for you if you make an appointment. Either that, or I'll massage your neck for you. I can't do anything about the burns...sorry about all of this jamie.
I can relate. I routinely share stories about how my carelessness caused me injury or accident. I suppose it is part of life. Hope you feel improvement soon.
Man, you had a no good bad day didn't you. Sorry! Hope it all gets better.
This wasn't really supposed to get me sympathy, but thanks anyway. I feel better already today. And I'm so glad! (It was no fun waking up every time I shifted positions last night in bed.)
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